Workflow Innovation

Reimagine work!


Workflow design impacts the deployment of both tactical and strategic advantage. Well designed workflows are a critical support components for: Execution of business strategy; Clarification of employees’ tasks and roles for the goals of the organization; Structure and control ( it’s the glue that holds the business model together); Efficiency; Communication and knowledge transfer to the staff; Ensuring  customer satisfaction and delivering value to the clients.

In today’s business environment process design can be daunting for a number of reasons. Remote workforces which can only be integrated into processes through technology. Customers increasing demand for quality and speed. New technology like (e.g. RPA, Low Code No Code Software, Chat-gpt) are disruptors and provide new ways of designing processes. As well as challenging competitors who are continually innovating, if you are standing still then you are falling behind.


HOw we help clients

Workflow design requires a multiple view and tool approach. There are 5 views - Strategic Value; Intelligence; Control/Resilience; Efficiency/Precision; Resources - and one enabler, Digital. Many organizations approach process design based on the one Silver Bullitt concept. For example, they look at Lean for efficiency and precision but fail to incorporate digital tool sets or determine whether the workflow has strategic value. We take a different approach by conducting an assessment across the 5 views to determine where the focus needs to be and then review potential digital solutions as enablers. Speed is achieved by using agile digital tool sets with high RI and then using Rapid Innovation Design Pods (RIDP) as an innovation incubator to test, assess, and implement continually.

Process Simulation, Design Thinking, Digital Automation & Flow Management, Rapid Innovation Implementation Pods (RIIP), Metrics, Capabilities Assessment, Strategy Mapping, Diagnostic


Our insights & latest Thinking



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